
CleverHealth Network collaboration between HUS and Fujitsu moves dialysis from hospitals to homes

With the aging population in Finland, the number of kidney patients is increasing, and the treatments are very resource-intensive and costly. HUS Helsinki University Hospital and Fujitsu have been collaborating in a Home Dialysis project within the CleverHealth Network to increase home dialysis for kidney patients by developing a comprehensive, real-time remote monitoring solution to enable more cost-effective treatments with better results. The R&D project has now been finalised, and next the solution will be tested in clinical use by HUS.

Currently the amount of patients undergoing home dialysis is 20% but according to HUS Head Physician Agneta Ekstrand, the goal is to go as high as to 40%. HUS is keen to start using the new remote monitoring solution with Fujitsu to follow up with patients who are doing home dialysis.

The system allows self-monitoring of blood pressure, weight and dialysis outcomes by patients themselves, as well as remote monitoring by the health care professionals. In addition, the solution communicates lab results and need for new accessories to the health care personnel in real time.  This way, the patients do not need to take so many strenuous trips to hospital and according to several studies, home dialysis also improves the overall wellbeing of the patient, increase independence from hospitals and lengthen life expectancy. What is more, using home dialysis will lower the extremely high costs linked to dialysis treatment.

The automatic system has been very well received by home dialysis patients who find the system easy to use and gives them confidence that they will immediately know about any changes in their condition.

Mika Matikainen, Director of HUS Abdominal Center is very pleased with the outcome of the project and says that the CleverHealth Network was the enabler to launch the collaboration between HUS and Fujitsu in this groundbreaking project.

Remote monitoring solutions could be a gamechanger in solving some of the challenges we are facing  within the healthcare system. ”Due to the shortage in health care professionals, we have to consider patients as resources of sorts. Recent studies show that a patient taking ownership of their wellbeing will highly benefit of this approach, resulting in better treatment outcomes,” Head of Healthcare  Markku Mäenpää from Fujitsu Finland concludes.


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